A Weekend in Cinque Terra

Thick saltwater drying on your legs. Melting Gelato running down your hand. The evening sun set on the water reminding you that it’s time for pasta and wine.

These are the signs of a good weekend in Cinque Terre. This famed tourist destination nestled along the jagged eastern coast of Italy attracts people from all over; and for good reason.

A few years back, I was studying abroad in Northern Italy near the Dolomites. The college gave us four day weekends to travel. We made sure to take full advantage of this! The first weekend I and nine other friends crammed into a small Air BnB for a weekend in Cinque Terra.

Even though the five towns that makeup Cinque Terra are hot spots during the summer, they are worth visiting if you don’t mind the occasional crowd. Thankfully, it is really easy to get away from the crowds. Either take a hike, swim out in the sea, or enjoy a cappuccino in the afternoon.

To visit and move through all the coastal abodes, you can either take the train that runs through each town or take a hike!

Each town has a personality of its own. The best beach is in the town, Monterosso, and is the last stop of the train ride. There is a trail that connects Monterosso to the town of Vernazza, which offers views of the sea and paths through vineyards that are well worth the sweat.

Beyond the beauty and fame of Cinque Terra, I love it for another reason. Even among the hustle of summer visitors, the area still feels slow. The locals enjoy a slow lifestyle and indulge in activities such as reading, smoking, and pleasant conversations. The fresh sea breeze not only blows in fresh air, but also the feeling of peace - especially if you find a spot to sit and watch the sunset over the clear blue water.


3 things that will make your visit to Cinque Terra grand:

  1. Keep a swimsuit and towel in your bag

    The bright blue water will call you at all times of the day! A swim before dinner and then at sunset are additions to your day that you don’t want to miss. Be prepared for a quick dip anytime you are in Cinque Terra.

  2. Time Your Trip

    If you are not a fan of crowds, I would recommend going early or late summer (if you want to utilize the beaches.) If not, then spring or fall would be much less crowded. However, if you are still planning to go in the summer, try to plan your trip where you go to Cinque Terra during the week to avoid a weekend influx of tourists.

  3. Take a sunset walk

    Dinner is important, but it will wait. Make sure you are out during sunset. The already pink homes that dot the hillside seem to glow with the light at dusk! If you don’t spend the evening at the water, walk up to top of whatever town you are in for a full and stunning view! These precious moments are not to be missed.


I hope to get back to Italy one day and maybe make a stop in Cinque Terra again. But till then I’ll reminisce on the blue water, warm coffee, and good views Italy’s finest offers. When planning your trip make sure to use my Air B n B b link for $55 off your first trip!




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