Starting A Reading Revolution

*Note: I wrote this a few weeks ago and never fully published it. Now with COVID-19, people have found themselves at home, staying safe, and looking for ways to pass the time. So, now more than ever, I encourage people to pick up a book! Social media is a dangerous place right now with lots of negative messages and fear spreading like wildfire. So instead of feeding the fear, feed your imagination and knowledge through reading!

Flashback to 2007. There I was in 4th grade—Shyer than a lost puppy. I’d rather stay in during recess and read than go out to the playground. This small version of me was obsessed with reading. My imagination flourished between the pages of a well-worn book.

As time went on and life got busier, the frequency between picking up books became less and less. This is not to stay I stopped reading altogether, but I was not reading with the veracity I would have liked to read at. So, last year I decided to start reading more. Being a busy college student was no excuse to stop my personal education through reading!

Last year I regained the joy that comes from reading. It was incredible and life-giving. I found myself thinking more clearly and finding peace between the pages. I gleaned so much learning in the books I read. So this year, I upped my challenge and set a higher reading goal. But I don’t want to stop at only challenging myself personally- I want to challenge others to pick up books more often and find the magic in words!

My (somewhat obscure and lofty vision) is to create a reading revolution at the University of Arkansans (or wherever if I can get others outside my geographic sphere to join in the fight). I want more people to put down their phones and pick up books. I think the art of reading is lost, and I want to reignite it! I want people to find the same joy and freedom that I have found in the books they enjoy. The excuses that you don’t live to read is a weak one- you just have not found the right books yet.

In essence, the challenge is to swipe your library card more (and maybe your debit card less) and bask in the joy that this brings.

However, I feel that I have not convinced you enough yet to make your way down to the local book store or library yet, so I wanted to elaborate on why I am so passionate about spreading the message that reading is rad. Let me give you a few works that I have become a central figure in my life because of the constant ebb and flow of the stack of books resting on my nightstand and some that have even changed my life.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

If I have ever read a book that is slowly starting a cultural revolution, it is this one. I read this book (ironically) in a day over Christmas break. John Mark Comer speaks the hard truth about the dangers of our fast passed and out unintentional living. This book challenged me in new ways, and I encourage all to read this!

Mark of the Lion Series 

For years my mom kept recommending this book to me, but for some reason, I choose not to read it. Finally, I decided to head her advice and started reading the first book: A Voice in the Wind. Boy! This series is one of the best works of fiction I have ever read. Not only was the literature great, but the spiritual components challenged my view of prayer in new ways. The Mark of the Lion series is a real page-turner and time travel mechanism. You will find yourself engrossed in Ancient Rome and wanted to travel to the Mediterranean.

Jesus Skeptic 

 Ok, yes, I realize all the books I’ve mentioned thus far have been Christian or written with Christian undertones. However, I have another to add to the list. Jesus Skeptic is one of the strongest cases for Christ I have ever read in my whole life. If you are on the fence about your faith or simply curious about who Jesus is and why he is so famed, this is the book for you. Jesus Skeptic verified the validity of Christianity from one of the strongest worldly standpoints. Give it a go guys- you won’t regret it!

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

Elon Musk is a real-life Tony Stark, and if this book does not prove it, I don’t know what will. The author Ashlee Vancee provides incredible insight into Elon’s thoughts, personal life, and of course, Tesla and SpaceX. Before I finished the book, thoughts of changing my major to a science field popped in my head. But after I came to terms with the fact that I am almost doesn’t with college, I check out the jobs SpaceX offered (long shots but oh well!) 

Creative Calling 

This book does not just call out to creatives, but rather all people trying to accomplish something! This book has a bit of a slow start but provides amazing and tangible takeaways on how to tap into a process that allows for greater success and getting your hobbies, business, creative outlet off the group, or successful by your terms.  

Shoe Dog

 I’ve read a lot of business books, but none will surpass the fantastic storytelling exemplified in shoe dog. Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, recounts the journey that took him to build one of the largest athletic retail business out there. This moving and dynamic book is not to be missed. I would be lying if I said I didn’t cry. (yes, its that good!)

God of Small Things

This book. Man, this book with wreck you. It is beyond eloquently written and tells a story like no other. I honestly don’t want to say to much to ruin the book, but let me assure you that it is WELL worth the read and finishing. I was sweating finishing the book because the ending is that crazy. The God of Small things illuminates things about life in India and the consequences of sin in a way I have never seen before. A must-read.

I honestly, decide to stop there because I could write pages and pages about other books that I think people would enjoy reading. But instead of staying here and reading, I encourage you to pick up a book of your own and start flipping thought those pages.

A few great resources to spur on your reading journey are:

Good Reads!

This app helps you track what books you are reading, see books your friends are reading, and find new books. My goal is to make Good Reads the HYPEST social media app!!! Who’s with me? Add me as a friend! I want to see what books you’re into!

The Public Library

 No joke, books can be expensive. Reading one book a week? That is probably $15-30 dollars a week. But good news, folks, you already pay for these books! Head down to your public library (which you pay for with your taxes) and check out a stack for free!

*if your public library is closed due to COVID-19, check out the app called LIBBY! Select your library and put in your card, and the same resources can be found on your phone! Great app for audiobooks. (another pro tip: audiobooks are great for driving or long runs!)

Your Friends!

Book swaps are fun and feel somewhat old school, but never the less fun! Does your friend have a favorite book? I bet they would let you borrow it. (Just don’t be the person who takes four months to read it or does not give it back. That’s the worst)

If I haven’t shown you my “nerd cards” in this post, I don’t know what will. All of this being said, I just want to see more people reading books and less swiping on phones. As for mentioned, reading is a lost art, but we here to change it!

So, go. Grab a book, add me on Good Reads, and drop a book recommendation below! Here’s to the reading revolution!


A Hop Across The Pond